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Hank Bennett

Daytime television newcomer Ryan McPartlin joins the cast of Passions in the role of Hank Bennett, the handsome and sexy world-traveling younger brother of Police Chief Sam Bennett.

Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, Ryan graduated with a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Illinois where he played football in the Big Ten Conference. After graduating, Ryan decided to spend six months in Australia and New Zealand to explore the outback and decide which career path he should follow. It became clear that he wanted to be an actor, so he promptly moved to Southern California to pursue his dream.

Ryan recently appeared on NBC's Three Sisters and has also guest-starred on The Nanny. He spends a great deal of his non-working time taking acting classes and says that his other passions include almost any outdoor physical activity including scuba diving, tennis, snowboarding and racquetball. Ryan is serious about physical fitness and is a board certified personal trainer. Ryan is 6'3", has sandy blond hair and blue eyes and was born on July 3rd. He is single and resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Ryan's Links...
 Official website
Ryan's photo gallery
Ryan McPartlin Online
The Bennett Bunch

From NBCi

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