ePassions:Wheel: Cast Members - VAN JOHNSON

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TC Russell

Rodney Van Johnson plays TC Russell the often hot-tempered high school athletic coach, whose own pro tennis career was cut short by a mysterious accident.

A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a degree in Education, Van Johnson's television credits include playing Sebastian on "Port Charles" and most recently, Trey on "The Young and the Restless." He was a series regular on "Pensacola: Wings of Gold" and has made numerous guest appearances on "Mad About You," "Grace Under Fire," "Babylon 5" and "The Jamie Foxx Show."

Van Johnson lives in Los Angeles with his long-time girlfriend, Carmen Obando, and their son Quincy. His birthday is February 20.

Rodney's Links...
 Official website
Rodney's photo gallery
The home of TC Russell

From NBCi

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