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Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald

Galen Gering plays Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, the ruggedly handsome son of Pilar. Luis harbors deep resentment for the powerful Crane family. But, Luis is in love with the beautiful Sheridan Crane.

A native of Los Angeles, Gering graduated from the University of Miami this past May, with honors. While pursuing his education in film and creative writing, he began modeling, and has appeared in over 50 national commercials. Gering was recently featured in two independent films, "Road Trip" and "Pistol Whipped." Galen was recently named one of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People." His role on "Passions" is his first television series appearance.

Gering's hobbies include film making, writing and Pro-Am beach volleyball. His birthday is February 13.

Galen's Links...
 Official website
Galen's photo gallery
Lopez-Fitzgerald Household

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